Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bring your Boo home this year.....

So next weekend is Thanksgiving, a time we most go home to spend with family and friends we haven't seen in awhile, oh yea and this is my all time favorite holiday because you get to do my favorite thing which is ………. EATING!!
But Thanksgiving isn't just about eating …lol….its all about giving thanks and all that blah, blah we have heard over the years. But what if this year, is your year, the day you’ve been dreading sense you started dating your new boo, the day you don't know how your family will react, the day you take your boo home to meet ya family.
If your family is anything like me, you wont even do it, because you know they will look at him from head to toe and pick him apart like some string cheese. From his head to his feet to the car yall rode in on.
So…. To meet or not to meet, that is the question????
You don’t just wanna bring anyone home to meet dear ol' mom and dad, so ladies this year we have to set some guidelines for bringing a man home for the first time, because as growing adults (lol) we want our folks to know WE CAN make adult like decisions and not just about our fashion, we can find a decent man…..who would've thought…I came up with a little list we can all use this year who are bringing our boo home yall
1. NO SCRUBS - TLC, said it so best with their hit in the 90's - Don’t bring home no man to meet your parents who aint got no job, car, and living with his mama. I honestly haven't gotten this concept that women what to "save" a man, but don’t bring your project home, damn bring a painting that’s half finished first.
2. NO MARRIED MEN - First he should be spending time with his own family, and two he aint NEVER going to leave his wife so I don’t know why you bothered to take him home anyway. Lets just put it in plan English ladies, he just wants sex, he has his own family. Fuck him and move on.
3. NO RAPPERS - If it aint Lil' Wayne or T.I let him stay in the trap, making that gwap, toting guns, and let b!cthes give him head…..enough said (oh, snap I made a rap)
4. NO PIMPS - If he's getting have or your cut, he is not a cut above the rest, don’t bring him home

So, I hope that some of my little tips help you this holiday season and you don’t bring home the wrong man to meet the fam, btw HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

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