Monday, November 24, 2008

AMA's Darling & Dreadful

The American Music Awards were last night, and of course all the stars were in attendace; not to say their fashion were. I saw some great gowns, and suits but they werent all so great. Lets take a look see.

Rihanna looks like an angel. I love this dress. She could be my fashion fairy.

All hail to the Queen who looks so darling doesnt she?

This is Christina Aguleria starring in Goth gone Glam gone Wrong.

ROFFL.........Why does Pink have silver hair to match her silver and black gown....this is all the way hood.

Simply darling Alicia, but why the stain on your dress Miss Keys or

Bai Ling, girlfriend....WTF.....I love purple but the ruffles girl, come on whoever styled you did not hook it up.

I dont know what Chris Brown was thinking. Do you want to dress casual or dress up. Pick one you cant chose both. Stars always think they can have their cake and eat it to.
Neyo looked great last night. His brown and black melody went great together.

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