Monday, November 24, 2008

AMA's Darling & Dreadful

The American Music Awards were last night, and of course all the stars were in attendace; not to say their fashion were. I saw some great gowns, and suits but they werent all so great. Lets take a look see.

Rihanna looks like an angel. I love this dress. She could be my fashion fairy.

All hail to the Queen who looks so darling doesnt she?

This is Christina Aguleria starring in Goth gone Glam gone Wrong.

ROFFL.........Why does Pink have silver hair to match her silver and black gown....this is all the way hood.

Simply darling Alicia, but why the stain on your dress Miss Keys or

Bai Ling, girlfriend....WTF.....I love purple but the ruffles girl, come on whoever styled you did not hook it up.

I dont know what Chris Brown was thinking. Do you want to dress casual or dress up. Pick one you cant chose both. Stars always think they can have their cake and eat it to.
Neyo looked great last night. His brown and black melody went great together.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bring your Boo home this year.....

So next weekend is Thanksgiving, a time we most go home to spend with family and friends we haven't seen in awhile, oh yea and this is my all time favorite holiday because you get to do my favorite thing which is ………. EATING!!
But Thanksgiving isn't just about eating …lol….its all about giving thanks and all that blah, blah we have heard over the years. But what if this year, is your year, the day you’ve been dreading sense you started dating your new boo, the day you don't know how your family will react, the day you take your boo home to meet ya family.
If your family is anything like me, you wont even do it, because you know they will look at him from head to toe and pick him apart like some string cheese. From his head to his feet to the car yall rode in on.
So…. To meet or not to meet, that is the question????
You don’t just wanna bring anyone home to meet dear ol' mom and dad, so ladies this year we have to set some guidelines for bringing a man home for the first time, because as growing adults (lol) we want our folks to know WE CAN make adult like decisions and not just about our fashion, we can find a decent man…..who would've thought…I came up with a little list we can all use this year who are bringing our boo home yall
1. NO SCRUBS - TLC, said it so best with their hit in the 90's - Don’t bring home no man to meet your parents who aint got no job, car, and living with his mama. I honestly haven't gotten this concept that women what to "save" a man, but don’t bring your project home, damn bring a painting that’s half finished first.
2. NO MARRIED MEN - First he should be spending time with his own family, and two he aint NEVER going to leave his wife so I don’t know why you bothered to take him home anyway. Lets just put it in plan English ladies, he just wants sex, he has his own family. Fuck him and move on.
3. NO RAPPERS - If it aint Lil' Wayne or T.I let him stay in the trap, making that gwap, toting guns, and let b!cthes give him head…..enough said (oh, snap I made a rap)
4. NO PIMPS - If he's getting have or your cut, he is not a cut above the rest, don’t bring him home

So, I hope that some of my little tips help you this holiday season and you don’t bring home the wrong man to meet the fam, btw HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sasha Fierce

I believe every women has a alter ego; A side of her that comes out at a specfic time especially doing something she does normally do.

So you know my girl Bey is coming out with a new album which will be in stores tomorrow and she is unleashing her alter ego; Sasha Fierce who she says comes out whenever she is on stage she says Sasha completly takes over to the point where she cant feel and can do anything.....WOW!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Real Chance at Love?

I dont understand why women are actually fighting over these two on T.V
THESE ARE GIRLS...because what MAN in their right mind would actually want to dress, and wear their hair like girls.
Dont get me wrong they seem like really nice guys....lmao...but for real I could never take them seriously. They would take up all my mirror time.
And Real had the nerve to be upset K-O might have been messing with a are a girl Real!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tonight two great shows are coming on and both at 10pm...which one to choose....

Keysha Cole or the REAL Housewives of Atlanta?

Keysha Cole and her family drama is so crazy, with its 3rd season. You know theres going to be more fights, arguments, and drama. Neffie has moved into her own place doing her own thing and Keysha is working on her 3rd album. You know Frankie aint having no mess with anybody...the previews are so crazy.
Or Kim, Nene, Lisa, DeShawn and Sharee in the gossip filled the REAL Housewives of Atlanta. I dont know where to start with these ladies and they say money changes you well it aint changed NeNe who is as ghetto as they come, shes starting most of the drama on the show. Shes maried with two boys to an investment banker.
Kim, LMAO.....I honestly doesnt think this girl knows what to do with so much money, thinks she can sing, her wig is a mess, and who is this man she keeps calling "big papa" I have been wondering that all season. I think hes married and doesnt want his wife to know. lol
Lisa looks so sweet, she just wants to keep the peace. Shes married to an NFL player they have a cute little boy E.J (pssss...shes Keith Sweat's ex-wife)
DeShawn has a NBA player husband, all she does is chill and smile and spent money oh yea she also tried to keep the peace between the girls...
We cant forget about Sharee, the "self" proclaimed diva. Dont get me wrong girlfriend can put on some fly ass clothes, but she aint as all that as she thinks she is and I wish her the best in the clothing line.
Well lets see what happens tonight.....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ladies, the new 2009 models are out and they are FABulous!!!

We dont keep up with the Jones, they keep us with us.

Look at the Nissian to the left and the Lotus below. So you can match these with some hot boots this winter.

Look at the new Acura TL, and the new Dodge Challenger it looks like something from one of those old cop shows.

I am SOOOO loving this truck, the 2009 Acura MDX. I have a 2003 Acura MDX, but it doesnt compare to this this it has a button on it where you cant feel any bumps in the about luxury.
Lets go test drive ladies.....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Time for change has come....

Remember the Sam Cooke classic song “A Change Gone Come”? Best known from Spike Lee’s “Malcolm X” it should be the theme song for Senator Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign. He represents the change America needs. Before becoming the junior U.S senator from Illinois running for president in 2008.Barack Obama is a son, father, author, student, husband, and etc…this is the Come up story of Barack Obama.

Know as “Barry” over the years, Barack was born the 4th day of August in 1961, in one of the top vacation spots of Honolulu, Hawaii known for their white sandy beaches, and gorgeous palm trees. Born to Barack Obama Sr., and Ann Durham.
“Barry” was two years old when his parents divorced, and then attended school in Jakarta where he moved with his half sister Maya, and stepfather Lolo in 1967 where classes were taught in Indonesian language. It wasn’t until later on when “Barry” was first introduced to racism when he attended Punahou Academy where he was one of three black students, however he was a stellar student and graduated with honors in 1979. During which, he admitted to experimenting with marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol as most teenagers do. Still he graduated from Columbia University in 1983 with a degree in Political Science.

Now Barack, then moved to the windy city of Chicago in 1985, where he worked on the cities south side as a community organizer. “We worship an awesome God in the blue states, and we don’t like federal agents poking around our libraries in the red states. We coach little league in the blue states, and yes we’ve got some gay friends in the red states.” Obama says at 2004’s Democratic National Convention in Boston.” There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America”

In 1991, he graduated magna cum laude from Harvard where he was the first African American editor of Harvard Law Review. He then went on to work as a civil rights attorney at Chicago’s Miner, Barnhill & Gallard, and also taught at the University of Chicago. During which time he was also working with both the democrats, and republicans; expanding health care services, creating state earned income tax credit, and requiring videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.
“I am not opposed to all wars, I’m opposed to dumb wars. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowtiz and other arm chair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats” Obama says at a rally at Federal Plaza in Chicago.
Michelle, and Barack married in 1992. Then in 2004, Barack became the 3rd African American elected to the U.S Senate since reconstruction.
Barack is responsible for three books; The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, It Takes A Nation: How Strangers Became Family in the Wake if Hurricane Katrina, and his Grammy Award winning audio version of 1995’s Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Michelle is soooo fashion forward

On this historic day in history, I dont want to talk about all the stress over who gonna win (Obama) and all instead I wanna focus on our fav. thing ladies and that

Have you seen the amazing outfits that Michelle Obama has worn over the course of the year? If you havent heres some photos of some of her best....
The black on black is elegant yet casual and classy for any affair. I love how the skirt is a wrap around.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Today was a great day! I went to the final Barack Obama rally in Columbus, Ohio and it was great although I didnt get to see what Michelle was wearing cause you know she be in some fly suits....He talked about a lot of great topics the one that stood out the most was that 95% of us working Americans would get a tax cut and Im very excited about that that cause I am getting taxed for everything under the son. We only have 2 more days to get out there and rock the vote so lets make it happen.....

The pictures are from the Dublin rally.......My camera went dead on this one...sorry guys